Daystar's Easter Blossom 2*P
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Picture taken just a few hours before she kidded! "Essy" is a 6th gen. (52.78/47.22%) Mini Nubian doe. We are very pleased with how this little girl has matured!! She has amazing body capacity and is a dream on the milking stand! Essy won Grand Champion in the 2015 Fall V-show under Lavinia Allen! Her comments were: I am placing the AOM 2 under 3 yr. doe as Champion in General appearance for more width between her front legs, her long lean neck which blends smoothly into the withers, in dairy character for her length of body, smoother blending of the shoulder blade into the chest wall, and in her mammary system for a strong medial suspensory ligament and good arch shaped escutcheon with good teat size . V-show Quotes: #2 places over #1 for her strength in general appearance having good body capacity, width in the chest floor, levelness, strength, and smooth blending: she has good capacity in her mammary but will grant length of fore and even size of teats the the second place doe. ~Margo Piver Fall 2015 Entry #2 over Entry #1 in general appearance for straighter in the forelegs and has more width in the escutcheon area, for body capacity depth of the barrel, in dairy character longer in the body from withers to hips, for mammary system she is showing a better arch to the escutcheon. ~Lavinia Allen Fall 2015 Kidding History
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